Tuesday, August 11, 2009


3 Years Ago Today:

I was twenty minutes late to the temple because my hair took too long, Chad was terrified by the time I got there that I had stood him up

I wished I had tan skin that looked good with a white dress instead of my pale skin that never tans

I was so nervous of kissing Chad in the ceremony that it turned out to be a very small peck, something I am still embarassed about

We were hurried out of the sealing room with no time to hug our families that were there

Chad's mom and dad went missing after the ceremony when it was time for pictures-they went to get a Diet Coke

Chad stepped on my dress and ripped one of the gatherings

But best of all...I married my best friend

In spite of all the madness....it was the happiest day of my life! I love you Chad!


Becky said...

I don't remember any of that? ;)I remember the day and how beautiful you looked-despite pale skin. It was an awesome experience for me to be there with you. Thanks for the memories! Congtratulations on 3 years!

megan and darin said...

congrats! time to start having kids. :) i kid. but i'm serious.