Friday, December 17, 2010

4 Months!

Miss Emma had her 4 month appointment on Wednesday. Time is FLYING by...Here is where she's at:

Weight: 10 pounds 4 ounces (3rd percentile, yes 3rd, she is a TINY peanut)

Height: 24 inches (53rd percentile)

Head: 3rd percentile (I don't have the measurements in front of me)

Emma is growing up too fast. She has found her voice and loves to jib jab, puts EVERYTHING in her mouth (mostly her fingers), rolled over twice, loves patty cake, Christmas songs, and peek-a-boo, and sleeps through the night in her crib in her own room. We are so in love with her and she most certainly has her dad wrapped around her tiny little finger with her smiles and giggles ( too).